Friday, January 22, 2010

I made it!

My surgery was Tuesday morning. Wednesday was an all around shitty day, but by yesterday morning I was feeling a LOT better, and I was discharged at about 4pm yesterday (Thursday). I'm a little sore, but not too bad. I've been getting a LOT of sleep, and I think it's been helping.

I have a crapton of meds/stuff to do/etc now. On top of my regular meds (except the diuretic, which they took me off of), I am taking Actigall twice a day, and giving myself twice daily injections of Lovenox. It's a good thing I'm not squeamish. And then I've got the walking, and the drinking, and the incentive spirometer, etc. But it's really not too bad, all in all.

The things I was most worried about was pain control, the catheter, and the drain. The drain ended up being no big deal at all. The cath wasn't a big deal either, and didn't really hurt to have removed, BUT I wasn't peeing enough after it came out and got very close to have to be re-cathed. Luckily I dodged that bullet, but just barely.

The pain management did turn out to be an issue. They gave me morphine in my PCA (patient controlled anesthesia) pump, and it didn't do jack. They finally switched me over to dilaudid, which has worked much better. I just have an odd resistance to pain meds. The dilaudid helps, but it doesn't make me stoned (which I guess it does for most people). I have 2 mg tablets here at home, and I took two every 4 hours at first, but now I am taking one.

Overall, it wasn't a walk in the park, but I didn't really expect it to be. I am glad to be feeling pretty good just a few days out.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelly!

    Congrats on making it through your surgery! I just saw that you commented on my blog back in November (sorry no response - I literally just saw it!) I'm glad you're on the pre-op side and hope you enjoyed the meatloaf caprese :-) Let me know if I can do anything to help.

